Friday, February 23, 2007

At Least It's Something...

I added some links on the right. Also added the full moon image. Now we can get that genuine "howlin' at the moon" feel. Very inspirational.

We should have some more posts coming soon. I'm working on something about Charles Fuller and R.E.M. (which I had mostly done and then made one wrong click and lost it) in a pop culture/theology vein. I have all kinds of ideas but less discipline and even less time. Meanwhile, here's something to chew on: An excellent article (beginning on page 5) by Alain Epp Weaver and Peter Dula in the Mennonite Central Committee Peace Office Newsletter. It's about humanitarianism and the ways it can become disconnected from and dehumanize the ones it seeks to help. I think it connects in a way with the book I just finished reading by Charles Marsh, The Beloved Community. A must read if you are interested in sustainable peace and justice activism.


Patrick said...

nothing else on the web compares to this!


LeVon said...

To Patrick:

Spoken like a true genius.